International Expertise - Local Committment
BetterWorld Energy is an environmental business research hub and incubator. We research, test and demonstrate innovative business and market-based solutions to environmental, social and economic problems.
As far as possible we seek to understand the barriers to implementation and to identify innovative solutions to overcome these barriers, whilst taking the project towards the stages of spin-off company creation and investment.
BENJAMIN WARR, Managing Director
Dr benjamin warr
Dr Benjamin Warr is a sustainability analyst and strategist. He trained as an environmental soil scientist (University of Reading) and geospatial analyst (Centre de Géostatistique, Fontainebleau). He worked for over 12 years at INSEAD Business School, Fontainebleau, France researching ecological economics and sustainability innovations in business. Benjamin is Executive in Residence, INSEAD Social Innovation Centre and Research Fellow at Stellenbosch University, Department of Soil Science. His (almost) complete publication list, with many articles for download can be accessed from Researchgate and
Benjamin started his career focused on what was then the very innovative use of geostatistics and hyperspectral (diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and remote sensing data) for mapping of soils. At INSEAD he worked in close collaboration with Professor Robert Ayres to develop a new approach to economic growth theory and empirical analysis. The topic of Exergy-Economics, which represents a valuable new set of theories and methods to examine growth, sustainability and technology in the economy, which is now being adopted and developed further internationally by a large group of Professors and PhD students can be found here at the Exergy-Economics website, while many useful datasets and case studies are available on this older Google Site.
If you want to buy a copy of Benjamin's book "The Economic Growth Engine. how energy and work drive material prosperity", co-authored with Professor Emeritus Robert U. Ayres, then please visit Edward Elgar's website, or got to Amazon and you will find it.
KAWEWE MWIINGA, Field Operations
Kawewe Mwiinga
Kawewe joined BetterWorld in 2016 and has been responsible for the establishment and day-to-day field operations of our pilot mine site restoration project in Chingola as well as field work for any environmental consultancies we undertake.
Kawewe has brought this project in on budget and on time, engaging on a daily basis with the mine teams and local authorities to ensure effective coordination of land preparation, tree planting, input provision and day-to-day tree care. Largely thanks to his efforts, 99% of the 3000 trees planted in December 2016 are thriving.
Mr Mwale has been with BetterWorld since the start. He is responsible for the care of Pongamia saplings from the day they arrive in Zambia from India to the moment they are planted out.